Monday, September 19, 2016

Collab Project Part III

Hello everyone and welcome to day III/Part III of my first collab experience! Sorry I am a couple days late, it has been a busy weekend, but let’s embrace the start of a beautiful week. The third question I asked all the dancers was:

#3) What advice would you give to dancers who are going through a period of not getting steps or feeling like they aren’t good enough?
“You will get it! Sometimes you need to step back and watch someone else do the steps you're struggling with. It may help to watch and mentally break it down. But never give up! So long as you put your heart into it, you will succeed!”~Bethlyn 
“Well, to be perfectly honest I don't feel like I'm good enough every single day, but my advice would be to not let those thoughts get to you, because it will make your dancing worse. Be strong and don't give up.”~Chantelle
“You’re only competition is yourself. Forget about all the other runners in the race. They don’t matter because no one is exactly alike. No one will get to the same goal at the same time. So focus only on yourself, right now, in the present moment. It makes dancing (and life) so much easier when you stop comparing yourself to other people.”~Tara
“I always encourage those who are struggling to take a minute, step back, and remember where they started as compared to where they are now. In every case, they have improved infinitely from where they began, and will continue to improve forever. In one moment, not being able to get a step might feel like the end of the world. Ballet dancers are really hard on themselves, and they never seem to stop and remember how far they have come. When you see what you have done, what you have overcome, it makes it feel like anything is possible with hard work.”~Meaghan  
“Don't give up. If you feel like giving up on a step that you think you will never master, just stop and think real hard about it and say I can do it I can do it. And just keep practicing and practicing and you will get it. Trust me when you finally understand it you will feel amazing and you will feel like you've done something beyond your heart.” ~Cierra
Every one has bad days and everyone has struggles. Re-frame your frustration by knowing that you are challenging your self and growing so much as an artist! Especially as a beginner your opportunity for growth is exponential.”~Julia
“Whatever you do, please do not give up. Everyone is going to tell you that, but I mean it. If you give up, you are letting whoever is telling you ‘You aren’t good enough’ win. You are letting the pressure break you instead of conquering it and becoming stronger. I was right there this Summer. I wanted to just give up because I didn’t feel good enough. I had a instructor who didn’t care about me, kept auditions that could launch my training secret from me, and girls who started to shun me because they were getting ahead and I wasn’t. I wanted to quit. I was burnt out on dance. I didn’t even like going to class anymore. The place as I had seen as an escape for so long felt like a prison. And then I realized… It doesn’t matter what they say, what they think, or how they make me feel. I love dancing. Dancing makes me who I am. It has taught me so much. It burns inside my soul and it’s molded me from a girl to a women and /that/ is what will get me places. That passion that burns inside of me when I dance is what will fuel me to continue to dance and get better. I might never get up to the professional level I dream of, or I might get there tomorrow, but either way that love for dance is what will get me there. So don’t give up. If you love it, if you truly love dance, don’t give up. There will be moments you completely hate it, but please don’t give up on your art dear dancer. From my heart to yours, I know you got this and you will master these steps you can’t do and conquer these negative feelings of not feeling good enough. I believe in you!”~Autumn 
“Keep pushing through these tough times and keep working for it because remember that the most rewarding parts of dance is achieving that sense of freedom in your dancing because you worked hard to get there and didn't give up. Remember that you have a huge dance community locally and globally. Speak to people about your worries or concerns; your teachers, peers and dancers on Jaimi's blog and Kathryn Morgan's Ballet Community- the millions of other dancers out there who also experience the same kinds of hardships and struggles. As a dance community we always are and always will be there for each other no matter what. You're not alone.”~Clarissa
“Don't look at the other students. That's easy to say, I know, but that's the most important thing. Stop comparing yourself to others. And don't stop trying. I know you'll have the feeling others will judge you, but they won't. Mostly, they're focused on themselves, they don't even have the time to look at you. Just keep doing your thing, and there will come the time, where everything makes sense and you'll be able to do it. Just keep working on it, don't stop and try to be not that frustrated.”~Mara
“ Personally I've had more moments than I can count that I haven't thought I was good enough.  But I've learned that if you think that way you won't get any better because you're whole heart isn't going into your dancing. Just believe in your abilities and work hard and one day you will get to be where you should be in your dance career!”~Anne
“ I would like to say to them that it's totally fine to not get steps easily  because we've all been through that. If someone feels like she isn't  good enough then I would like to tell you that you shouldn't compare your self to others in class. I know it's really hard but that's the best for you! Don't look others and think that "that girl can do a triple pirouette or she can jump higher that me" because it's not worth it. Just have your classes normally and ignore looking at anybody else! It really helps getting better trust me I've been through that.”~Eleni
“You have to keep trying don't ever give up! One day someone will want to hire you over another person! You have something they don't have. Work hard, and stay true to yourself.”~Haley

So there you have it! Don’t ever ever ever give up!!!! Everyone has struggles in their dance career, but it isn't about the amount of times you fall down, it is about the amount of times you stand up!
I hope you all enjoyed my very first collab project and I hope to do more in the future! 
Feel free to comment or email me at for any requests or advice. I love you all and have a beautiful week


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